005 Help for Hashimoto's with Stephanie Ewals
Listen as Tiffany interviews Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Stephanie Ewals, about her journey to a Hashimoto's diagnosis and learn about signs and symptoms and what you can do to combat them. We discuss some conditions that you may not know could be correlated to thyroid dysfunction and get into ways you may consider eating to help you feel better, as well as thyroid-testing nuances that need to be understood to optimize your thyroid and your health. Introduction: Stephanie Ewals, NTP, is passionate about helping women with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and other autoimmune diseases regain their health and feel their best ever. After dealing with the loss of a child in a thyroid storm and a long road to learning that food is medicine, she found her mission as a Nutrition Therapy Practitioner to help her clients discover where their bodies are out of balance, teach them how to learn to listen to their body, and find real-world solutions that result in happier, healthier, better quality of life. www.helpforhashimotos.com Help For Hashimoto’s Podcast Schedule your FREE Thyroid Breakthrough Session today!