From Plant-Free to Plant-Based Eating with Alexandra Andersson @fivesechealth
Episode 8 is with Alexandra Andersson, who you might have come across on Instagram at @fivesechealth. She's a recipe creator, YouTuber and has released her own recipe app. She shares her story of changing from one of the probably unhealthiest ways of eating to a whole foods plant-based vegan diet. She tells us what she eats in a day and how she ensures she’s getting all the right nutrients, what inspired her move to Bali and talks us through the life she has now created. On social media, we see these perfect images; little snippets of people’s lives. It can be easy to assume that someone has it all figured out or that they’ve obviously always been this way. Alexandras very host and open about her journey. it took her years to get to this healthy and beautiful place in her life. She took little steps in the right direction, which we can all do. If you enjoy the podcast, you can subscribe or follow along on Instagram at @vegclub to be the first to know about new episodes. I would also so love it if you could leave a rating or review. It only takes a minute and helps us to reach more people together.