Activating Confidence
Confidence. You can't buy it. You aren't born with it. You create it through action. Join the Bad Bitch Academy: Feeling confident and thinking confident thoughts comes through taking action. But if you need to feel confident to take action where do you start? Well, here is how the women in the Bad Bitch Academy will be doing it with my signature system that crafts confident sexy AF Bad Bitches: 1. Uncovering Motives: You can’t desire change in order to seek approval of someone else or “be” better than someone else AND become confident. Doing so breeds more insecurity. There is no such thing as a “revenge body” just fit people who still feel unworthy. 2. Clear benefits: We don’t do shit unless we are getting something out of it and it has to be more beneficial than staying the same. It has to be sexy. It has to be “speaking our love language” and it needs to feel so real you can almost taste it. THIS kind of coaching is a motherfucking art and one that Academy members praise me for. It’s my gift. 3. Action: Do it despite. Do it consistently. Do it with support. Do it with intention. Do it. 4. Rewrite Negative Thought Patterns: What stories pop up? You know.... “I don’t have time” “it’s too hard” “I’m scared”. Identify these lies from the devil and dispel those myths. Done. No more someday. No more regret. No more settling. Just confident women who did despite.