12: The Art and Intelligence of Swearing with Aimee Heffernan
The last two times I have presented on sex therapy and faith transitions at the Mormon Mental Health Association, I have received a similar critique that goes something along the lines of: “I wish you wouldn’t swear during your presentations. It’s unprofessional.” Since, these evaluations are confidential/private, I thought I would turn my response into a podcast so we could have a wider discussion about the taboos of swearing, some of the reasons they exist, and why my swearing is actually an intentional part of how I present.
Here to help me have this discussion is Aimee Heffernan, LMFT, CST, a dear friend and colleague who has much in common with me in regards to our professional background. She is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, a Certified Sex Therapist, a board member of the Mormon Mental Health Association, comes from the same high-demand religious background I do, and specializes in religious sexual shame.
Intro ("Fisher's Hornpipe") and outro by Otter Creek
Podcast edited by: Ashley Pacini