SOLO: Balancing College and Chronic Illness - Social Life, Alcohol, Dining Halls a Coverage Under the ADA
I was diagnosed with IBD when I was 21 - a month before beginning my senior year of college. So while everyone else I knew was gearing up to go out as much a often, pound as many shots as their 21-year-old bodies could (sort of) handle and soak up their last year of college in a very stereotypical way, I was weighing options for medications and treatment plans, starting the Specific Carbohydrate Diet and learning to navigate life with an autoimmune disease. I had struggled with horrible stomach issues and food intolerances for years at that point, so navigating college with some degree of health issues wasn't new, but having a diagnosis made it all that much more important to be navigating it in a specific way. Balancing college and IBD is no (gluten free) cake walk, but through my experiences I learned some extremely helpful tips and tricks that I want to pass on to all of YOU. From learning to put up boundaries around social plans and alcohol, using your coverage under the American Disability Act and letting go of the pressure to be "perfect," this episode is packed with everything that helped me navigate college while also honoring my body and its needs. You can follow along with my journey on Instagram at @plentyandwellwithnat and on my website at