Becoming Your Own Inspiration
My guest this week is embarking on a journey only few have ever completed…alive...Terrence Steinberg is up for the challenge! He’s an ultra-endurance athlete that has completed two Ironman’s with top 5% finishes in both. He runs ultra marathons - up to 145 miles, and he scales mountains like Longs Peak in Colorado, which by the way – is just north of 14 thousand feet in elevation. Pretty impressive to say the least! His next epic challenge, let me just say…I couldn’t believe it when I heard it for the first time, but as you’re about to hear, it’s very real. You see, Terrence is on a purpose filled mission to inspire a more courageous world, raise scholarships, protect the oceans and much more. How is he going about all of this? By solo rowing across the Pacific Ocean. San Francisco to Hawaii – 2,500 miles completely self-supported. So, get ready to meet ‘Tez’ as his friends call him, as we dive in to “Becoming Your own Inspiration” a journey across the Pacific With Terrence Steinberg. Peace Love Plants ~Marco Special Guest: Tez Steinberg.