How To DEFEAT Procrastination Once and For All — The Tactical Rule of Three

Learn how to overcome your procrastination once and for all. What is something that you are putting off in your life right now? I know there's something, maybe it's getting healthy. Maybe it's growing your business. What are you putting off in your life right now? Why are you putting it off? Maybe because you keep making excuses, right? Or maybe it's because you got so much going on with this other stuff.  No matter what your answer was as to why you are putting this thing off, it's wrong. Not you're wrong, but the excuse is wrong. Here's the reason you are procrastinating: You put things off because you can. You put things off because you are allowed to. In today's world, we are more blessed and more abundant than ever before. If I want light, I flick a switch. If I want entertainment, I hit a button. If I want food, I three clicks on my phone. I got people delivering food. We are living in what I call an age of the tyranny of comfort. It is too comfortable in my life and in your life right now, it's 7:00 PM you know you should be working. You know, you should be getting work done. But man, there's food in the kitchen. The lights are on and a roof over your head. Life is too comfortable. And with that comfort, we become soft. And with that comfort, we become seduced by its siren song by its pole. So if you're procrastinating your life, it is because you can. So what is the solution here? The solution is very, very simple. It's very tactical. I'm gonna give it to you right now. We call it the rule of three. ============= Did you like this podcast? If you did, you gotta check out my Money Boss Case Study group. Right now my team and I are looking to work closely with a few more podcast listeners like you who wanna earn an extra $3K-$4K per month form home typing messages on their phone. If you would like more details go to my Instagram @jasoncapital and message me the word “podcast” and me or my team will message you back all the details right away.

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