007 - How to acquire a language, Krashen's hypothesis
Hey there! Who is Steven Krashen and what are his hypothesis? Today we will talk about the general idea of Krashen's second-language acquisition theory.
Приветики! Кто такой Стивен Крашен и что за гипотезы он выдвнул? Сегодня мы поговорим об общей идее теории овладевания иностранным языком Стивена Крашена.
Free books by Stephen D Krashen: Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition:
Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning:
This podcast is for learning Russian (A2, lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand real Russian (TV-shows, movies, podcasts, etc).
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Музыка(Гусли): Максим Анухин (aka Gudimir)