#7|Season 4 - Find Your Calm (to Benefit Your Gut), With Richie Norton

Links for this episode   → Website: http://www.thestrengthtemple.co.uk/    → Instagram: @richienorton_/ https://www.instagram.com/richienorton_/    → 10 minutes guided mindfulness practice with Richie on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pxb6u_-Fvbs        -------   Background to the show  Around 1 in 7 people suffer with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) globally, making it the most commonly diagnosed GI condition worldwide.  ​ The Gut Loving Podcast aims to educate, empower and inform through conversations about the tools and therapies which can be used to manage the condition and it's symptoms.   About this podcast: The Gut Loving podcast is hosted by Laura Tilt (an experienced Dietitian specialising in IBS and the low FODMAP diet) and Huelya Akyuez, who has lived with IBS for over 20 years.   Together, Laura and Huelya started The Gut Loving Podcast to help others with IBS get clear on the facts - and learn more about how to take control of their condition.   Remember: Don’t start the low FODMAP diet without consulting your doctor or low FODMAP specialised dietitian first. The content of our podcast is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.   -------     Other helpful links   → IBS food fact sheet: Short URL = https://bit.ly/2VAMzJJ   → Laura’s blogs on IBS and gut health: https://www.lauratilt.com/blog/categories/gut-health   → How can I find a FODMAP trained dietitian? You can ask your GP or gastroenterologist (gut specialist) to refer you to a registered dietitian who is trained in the low FODMAP approach. Alternatively you can book an appointment with a private practice dietitian. You can search for a private practice UK dietitian using this link: https://freelancedietitians.org/dietitians-in-private-practice/      All things Monash: → Link to patient course:https://www.monashfodmap.com/online-training/patients-course/ → Fodmap dietitians directory: Monash University https://www.monashfodmap.com/online-training/fodmap-dietitians-directory/   -------   Laura’s details Instagram: @nutritilty https://www.lauratilt.com/  hello@lauratilt.com   facebook: /TiltNutrition twitter: @NutriTilty   Huelya’s details: huelya.akyuez@gmail.com Huelya Akyuez (‘sezamee - my gut loving food journey’) instagram: sezamee facebook: /sezameeUK twitter: @sezameeUK YouTube: sezamee - gut loving food (or simply 'sezamee') pinterest: sezamee             00000185 00000181 0000B8E4 0000B8E4 002794E0 002794E0 000046A1 00004673 00010680 00010698

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