Dr Jack Kruse on Light and the Microbiome
Kriben Govender (Honours Degree in Food Science a Technology) and Jame Shadrach (Honours Degree in Psychology) have a mind expanding discussion with neurosurgeon Dr Jack Kruse on how light may sculpt the microbiome and the implications for optimising your overall health today. Bio: Dr. Jack Kruse is a respected neurosurgeon and CEO of Optimized Life, a health and wellness company dedicated to helping patients avoid the healthcare burdens we typically encounter as we age. He is currently in private practice in the Gulf South. As a neurosurgeon, Dr. Kruse’s research has been published in respected dental and medical journals. His popular blog, www.JackKruse.com, gets over 250,000 unique worldwide visitors per month from countries like Australia, Germany, Russia, and Zambia (Africa). Topics discussed: Jack’s health crisis The book that inspired Jack’s journey https://www.amazon.com/Monk-Who-Sold-His-Ferrari/dp/0062515675 Obesity linked to blue light, sunlight and non native electromagnetic fields Unlearning to relearn POMC https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proopiomelanocortin POMC and morning sunlight (sunrise to 10am) The Sphinx Depression and Dopamine Serotonin, Melatonin and the Gut Brain Axis Tryptophan, melatonin and Cytochrome C Melatonin and mitochondrial autophagy and apoptosis Artificial Light at Night (ALAN) impact on Gut and Brain Light sculpts the microbiome Surfaces exposed to light: eye, skin and gut Leptin stimulus What is Melanopsin? Bacteria and light Fritz Popp and Biophotons- extreme low frequency ultra violet light https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritz-Albert_Popp Microbiome as a light intermediary Jeff Leech, Hazda Study https://youtu.be/tjLW_DaQ9qI The impact of human migration on the microbiome Bacteria and UV light NADH, Niacin and tryptophan The carbohydrate photon and Electron link via the Einstein’s photo electric effect Eye, skin and gut yolking Gut metabolite Methane: the hydrogen store Hydrogen Sulphide: gasotransmitter https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaseous_signaling_molecules#Sulfur_dioxide Nitric Oxide and electron chain transport Red light and ATPase Calorie restriction and sunlight Sulfation: Mission microbiome Sulfation of blood and cholesterol Red light and the gut microbiome Methionine Cycle and heavy metals Riboflavin (B2) and Sulfation Blue light and the microbiome Sculpting the microbiome with sunlight The Epi Paleo Rx https://www.amazon.com/Epi-paleo-Rx-Prescription-Disease-Reversal-ebook/dp/B00BIUAZUQ Diet and light Photobiomodulation Tina Kuru Jeff Leech’s new study Jack’s No 1 Gut health recommendation: https://www.amazon.com/Light-shaping-life-Biophotons-medicine/dp/9081884328 Brought to you by: Nourishme Organics- Gut Health Super Store- Shine from the Inside Shop Gut Health and Fermentation- 10% off using code: jack https://www.nourishmeorganics.com.au/collections/beginner-recommendations-start-here Allele Microbiome- Gut Microbiome and Deuterium Testing Microbiome Stool testing (10% off Gut Explorer Pro Kit using code: gutlove) https://www.allele.com.au/collections/frontpage/products/gut-microbiome-analysis Deuterium Testing (10% off Deuterium Explorer Kit using code: deuterium) https://www.allele.com.au/collections/frontpage/products/deuterium-explorer Connect with Dr Jack Kruse Website- https://jackkruse.com/ Connect with Kriben Govender: Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/kribengee/ Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/kribengovender/ Youtube- https://www.youtube.com/c/Nourishmeorganics?sub_confirmation=1 Gut Health Gurus Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/nourishmeorganics/ Mito Wellness Support Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/347845406055631/ Download links If you enjoyed this episode and would like to show your support: 1) Please subscribe on Itunes and leave a positive review Instructions: - Click this link https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/gut-health-gurus-podcast/id1433882512?mt=2 - Click "View in Itunes" button on the left hand side - This will open Itunes app - Click "Subscribe" button - Click on "Ratings and Reviews" tab - Click on "Write a Review" button Non Itunes user’s can leave a Google Review here: http://bit.ly/nourishmeorganics 2) Subscribe, like and leave a positive comment on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/c/Nourishmeorganics?sub_confirmation=1 3) Share your favourite episode on Facebook, Instagram, and Stories 4) Let your friends and family know about this Podcast by email, text, messenger etc 5) Support us on Patreon for as little as $5 per month and get same day, early access to our latest podcasts (typically around 4 to 6 weeks earlier than the general public) https://www.patreon.com/nourishmeorganics Thank you so much for your support. It means the world to us.