24. Detoxification and Intermittent Fasting with DelRae Messer.
DelRae Messer, graduated Magna Cum Laude from Northwestern Health Sciences University in 2007. Her passion for wellness originated from high school and college athletics. She participated in track and cross-country at NDSU in Fargo, ND. She specialized in marketing, nutrition and weight loss and family wellness in Lakeville, MN. In 2010, DelRae founded and formulated Dr. DelRae Detox a Weight Loss System, an online health and wellness coaching and nutraceutical program. Disheartened with the lack of regulation in the industry, she was searching for way to create higher standards for the quality and purity of nutrition products. As an entrepreneur, she wanted to create more impact in health care globally and help drive transformation of lifestyle through affordable and convenient nutrition solutions. In late 2015, DelRae experienced her rock bottom moment as an entrepreneur both emotionally and financially. A single mom of two girls, in Dec 2015, she was introduced to a company called Isagenix. Now an executive partner with the company, she attributes the growing success of her team to the work ethic she grew up with on a small family farm in ND and the leadership role modeling from her father, Jerry. She is passionate about helping people step into their purpose and passion and increase their quality of life through wellness solutions. She enjoys spending time with her 14 year old daughter, McKenna, who loves sports and her 4 year old daughter, Gianna, who is a mini entrepreneur in the making! She enjoys fitness, hiking, travel and exploring the world with her partner, Nic and participating in activities with his boys, Mason and Ashton. DelRae loves personal development and leadership and enjoys hearing the stories of successful social impact entrepreneurs and how she can better serve and add more value to people every day.