10. How to live a healthier life, more connected to nature with Erin Oberlander.
Erin Oberlander is a Doctor of Musical Arts, a Certified Holistic Therapist, and a farmer’s daughter who has returned home to the North Dakota prairie as a modern homesteader. She has been working with essential oils on a regular basis for the past 12 years as owner of her company Prairie Soap House a Apothecary. As a full-time network marketer, she assists people to live healthier lives through improved nutrition, healthier mindsets, entrepreneurship, and leadership development. As a former professor, Erin thrives on inspiring others with deeper knowledge in classes and workshops. Beyond these interests, Erin is passionate about exploring the medicinal and nutritional aspects of native plants and indigenous lifeways and has begun distilling her own essential oils and hydrosols with plants she grows or gathers on the prairie. When not formulating products and working with clients, Erin can be found practicing yoga, singing, preserving, growing, and foraging food, hunting, and traveling. She and her husband, Bill, have chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese, guinea fowl, and one magnificent peacock named Norman on their small permaculture homestead, Arcadia, where emphasis in life and practice is harmony with Nature, fellow humans, and the Divine. Erin’s work has been published in the NATS Journal of Singing, Project Light a Love, and the High Plains Reader. You can learn more about her work at www.prairiearomatherapy.com or find her on Facebook.