023: No Nonsense Nutrition - Interview with Jamila Rene

Welcome to my Sound Bites podcast where we delve into the science, psychology and strategies behind good food and nutrition.Today’s episode focuses on a 'no nonsense' approach to healthy living! Jamila Rene is a Registered Dietitian and founder of No Nonsense Nutritionist. She is a food product developer and also a personal trainer in training. she has a no nonsense approach to healthy living: "nutrition and wellness is not black and white, good or bad. It's all about finding what's right for YOU." Jamila's story begins as an overweight child and continues through severe eating disorder treatment as a teen. As she continued her journey toward health she became a dietitian, food scientist and fitness enthusiast. Her goal is to empower others to take control of their own lives and get to where they want to be in life to be healthier and happier. You can read the full show notes with all the resources here.

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