022: The Food Sommelier - Interview with Annette Hottenstein
Welcome to my Sound Bites podcast where we delve into the science, psychology and strategies behind good food and nutrition.Today’s episode focuses on savoring healthy foods as if they were a fine wine. Can broccoli be as sexy as champagne? Let's find out! Annette Hottenstein is a Registered Dietitian and Professional Taste Tester (aka Sensory Science) with 15 years’ experience working for companies such as Pepsico and McCormick spices. She has traveled the world conducting taste tests on foods such as chips, soft drinks, breakfast pastries, and restaurant entrees. Three years ago she left her job in corporate RaD to transform herself into the Food Sommelier. Her goal is to help people discover the taste of good health through the appreciation of healthy foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables. In addition to healthy foods, Annette has a legendary sweet tooth and is known to indulge in homemade baked goods and just about anything containing chocolate. Her secret to eating these types of foods is that LESS is MORE if you know how to appreciate them. You can view the full show notes here.