3 Foods From Scratch / 3 Foods Not l Ep #15
Chef, RD, and meal prep expert Allison Schaaf recognizes that not all foods need to be made from scratch. After all, part of a successful meal plan is making sure you have time to actually prepare everything! In this episode she shares 3 foods she always makes from scratch and 3 foods she buys, and the reasons why. We hope these tips make your next meal plan easier! Connect with Allison: PrepDish.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/prepdish/ Get your FREE mealplan at PrepDish.com/podcast OR text the word mealprep to 33777 To shop resources mentioned in this podcast visit- https://prepdish.com/podcastshop/ Check out Thrive Market for their marinara and other clean pantry staples: http://www.jdoqocy.com/click-8743240-13895805 ( Here is Allison’s favorite mayo, Primal Kitchen: https://www.primalkitchen.com/collections/mayo *Pancake Recipes* Gluten Free Banana Pancakes https://prepdish.com/gluten-free-banana-pancakes/ Plantain Pancakes https://prepdish.com/prep-dish-plantain-pancakes/ *Popsicle Recipes* Watermelon “Mojito” Popsicles https://prepdish.com/watermelon-mojito-popsicles/ Fantastic Fudgesicles https://prepdish.com/fantastic-fudgesicles/ Whole Fruit Popsicles https://prepdish.com/summertime-sweet-success-whole-fruit-popsicles/