3 Tips for Picky Eaters l Ep #14
Join host Allison Schaaf as she shares her top 3 strategies to encourage picky eaters to try new foods. This is one of our most requested topics! Use her tips to help you get mac and cheese off the weekly meal plan for good. She talks about what kind of language to use around food and how to involve kids in meal prep to encourage positivity around meal time, rather than a daily battle. Family meal time really can be fun again! Connect with Allison: PrepDish.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/prepdish/ Get your FREE mealplan at PrepDish.com/podcast OR text the word mealprep to 33777 For the kids cooking class I mentioned, go here for a free first class for Meal Prep Monday listeners: https://kidscookrealfood.com/prepdish ( To shop resources mentioned in this podcast, like Ellyn Satter’s books, visit- https://prepdish.com/podcastshop/