5 Ways to Add Flavor to Your Food l Ep #11
Learn tips a tricks for adding healthy flavors to your meals. Host, chef a dietitian Allison Schaaf reviews her favorite flavor enhancing hacks including the use of: - Citrus- Vinegars - Herb a Spice Blends - Fresh Herbs- SaltUse the above hacks to enhance the flavor at your next meal prep session! Connect with Allison: PrepDish.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/prepdish/ Get your FREE (flavor-packed) meal plan at PrepDish.com/podcast OR text the word mealprep to 33777 for your free mealplan Moroccan spice blend https://prepdish.com/moroccan-inspired-spice-blend-breakfast-hash-recipe/ To shop resources mentioned in this podcast, visit- https://prepdish.com/podcastshop/