314 - Coin Concede “Hearthstone Variety Show”
On Episode 314, There are so many options in Hearthstone these days and we've got a surprising amount to say about all of the modes thanks to a bunch of news dropped about upcoming events and lots of patches over the past week. Tournament coverage is brief with MT Stormwind on the horizon and Decksplanations is a glimpse into the complexity of PvP through Edelweiss' experienced perspective.
News - 26:40
- Hallow’s End
- Patches 21.4.3 and 21.4.4
- Mercs Deals
- No Balance Changes
- Percs PvP breakdown
- Dean AMA
Tournaments - 1:24:29
- MT Stormwind
- Qualifiers
- Ladder
- Innvitational Coming
Decksplanations- 1:30:00
- Mercenaries PvP
The Show Notes for this week’s episode are on our Website
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