Should You Be Training During Quarantine? With Dr. Kevin Sprouse
In this Episode we talk about: Dr. Kevin Sprouse 2:00 What is the #1 question athletes are asking right now? 3:00 Should athletes that are young and healthy be concerned about training? 4:45 What should endurance athletes consider during time in quarantine? 6:30 How should we be thinking about my training load? 8:15 What are some of the risky training environments that we should be concerned about? 9:40 Should I stop going to the gym? 11:28 Does it make sense to still go on group rides? 14:40 Is the swimming pool a Petri dish? 19:20 Are a-symtomatic carriers contagious? 21:00 What are the training opportunities now? 23:50 How PGA athletes are using forced training to improve their game. 26:30 What are some of the foundational aspects we should be focusing on? 28:20 Does the Keto diet make sense right now? 31:50 What supplements should we be considering? 36:15 What is the efficacy of Vitamin C in treating viruses? 40:00 The importance of batch tested supplements. 42:15 What is the probability of summer events? 47:20 What is Dr. Sprouse’s protocol?