23: Why You Need to Hug a Farmer
| About This Episode | Do you trust farmers to have your best interest and health in mind? Leah McGrath, a dietitian for almost 25 years, does! Leah has spent the last eight years visiting farms of all types and sizes. This week Leah joins us on Spot On! to talk about what actually happens at farms, and why everyone should hug a farmer. Enjoy this episode of Spot On! and don't forget to subscribe and like our Facebook page! Thank you for listening! www.facebook.com/SpotOnDrJSB/ www.instagram.com/spot_on_podcast/ twitter.com/joansalgeblake (11/14 Disclaimer: "Why You Should Hug a Farmer" had a technical issue that is now fixed. If the episode automatically downloaded for you, you can re-download the correct version on iTunes or wherever you listen to Spot On! We apologize for the inconvenience and hope you enjoy the episode!)