20: Time to Break Your Love Affair with Bottled Water

| About This Episode | Thinking beyond the concern of plastic used for bottled water, do you actually know what you're drinking? Where does this water come from? Is it safe, or can it more dangerous than using the tap? This week on Spot On!, we are joined by Ryan Felton, an Investigative Reporter from Consumer Reports. Ryan has years of experience as an investigative reporter, and he has spent the past year writing and reporting the truth about bottled water. Check out his article: https://www.consumerreports.org/bottled-water/should-we-break-our-bottled-water-habit/ Enjoy this episode of Spot On! and don't forget to subscribe and like our Facebook page! Thank you for listening! www.facebook.com/SpotOnDrJSB/ www.instagram.com/spot_on_podcast/ twitter.com/joansalgeblake

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