Key Points and Take Home Messages From The Guest Speakers Of The Children's Health Series - Dr. Jason Loken : IHP10
This is the 10th and final episode of the Children’s Health Series. You do not want to miss this important summary where I break down the most important key points made by all of our amazing experts that shared so much valuable information with us. In user friendly and practical terms I will pull together the best of the best from each guest and bring everything home for you. Here are some highlights: Key biochemical imbalances that may be at the root of ADHD, Mood and behavioural disorders including anxiety and depression. 5 key steps to increasing self regulation in your self and your children Top nutrient deficiencies in our children and how gut health impacts everything How vulnerability, humour and spoken word can be used as tools for transformation Which common infant and toddler equipment are absolute no no’s and must be avoided. Learn how early intervention is so important to preventing a host of possible down stream problems that our kids may suffer from What do you do if your child simply WILL. NOT. EAT? Lauren calls this restrained eating and gives you tricks about how to rewire the brain to help the child through these standoffs. Learn how eye health is essential for neuroplacticity of the brain. Learn how screen time is dramatically affecting our children’s eye’s Learn how much time/day should be spent on a screen depending on your child’s age. Is your child actually not feeling well or is their anxiety triggering these feelings? Dr Meade helps us understand the nuances between a physical issue or an anxiety response in our children and how to address each situation What is the difference between ADHD and “being busy”? How can you and your school help your child be more successful by understanding your child’s individual learning needs. How movement helps with learning, development and behaviour How to start with your child’s strengths first and why this is so important. Understand how stress, play and connection can affect learning and development