Life Gets Easier When We Are Brave Enough To Look At Ourselves - Gabriel Giron : IHP04
Gabriel Giron served in the US Army and endured testicular cancer while he was stationed in Germany. He knows what it’s like to have a hard time. He could have looked at this time in his life as bad karma for being a classroom bully in high school. But instead, he shifted his perspective and saw it as a blessing. He argues that sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us. In this podcast Gabriel shares about his career in slam poetry and keynote speaking and his own personal transformation. He confides in us the struggles he faced in his life and how he overcame them, in hopes to help YOU do the same in your life. Changing your perspective in life and knowing your why, is Gabriel's key to success in overcoming personal issues in your life. He speaks about rising above the stresses around you and playing your cards how they were dealt. So if you’re having a rough time this week, month, year or lifetime, Gabriel is exactly what you need to shift your perspective. Here are a few key takeaways: [23:00] Gabriel’s personal history and a key moment where he had to make a choice about his future. [31:35] What is “the now” and why should you be focusing on it? What needs to happen now so you can: ‘Fit in’ Make money Escape reality. [42:26] How do you want to see yourself? Can you allow yourself to imagine this best version of yourself? When you're able to speak it out loud, without harsh criticism in return what could unfold for you? When you take the time to define who you want to be, you begin to positively change the way you see yourself. Gabriel is a fun burst energy and will help you see things from a fresh perspective.