Glam Girl Bikini Presents: Starvation Mode Myth-Busted
Episode 47 is a myth buster regarding starvation mode and how it applies to contest prep. In this episode Bikini Coaches Chris Nicole IFBB Pro and Amy Ehinger dive into the metabolic adaptations that can occur during a competition prep. Talks of reverse diet and metabolic building are addressed; along with how to change body composition without loosing a lot of muscle. Additionally, it is pointed out through evidence based research that N.E.A.T. (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenisis) is the main driver for fat loss stalls or spikes in weight. Other additional factors include underestimation of caloric intake and water retention fluctuations due to stress and hormones. Talks on the Minnesota Starvation study and research done by James Levine and colleges on the effects of N.E.A.T. and weight loss are included as well. You can find us on Instagram @preplifepodcast @glamgirlbikini @amyehinger and @chrisnicole_ifbbpro To apply for the competition prep team click the link: