How to take the stress out of our thoughts about food with Paige from Positive Nutrition
Welcome to the podcast Healthy Parents=Healthy Families, brought to you by HalfSizeMe. To learn more, go to Today we’re very lucky to have Paige Smathers as our guest. She’s a registered dietitian, and she’s going to teach us about the psychology of nutrition. You’ll hear our discussion on: How to take the stress out of our thoughts about food The benefits of eating a variety of micro and macronutrients The division of responsibility A new way to think about eating disorders As you are working on your own health, please join our HalfSizeMe community where we believe in steady and sustainable steps toward health! Check us out at You can find out more about Paige at Thanks for joining us. For more support, you can check out The Half Size Me podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, and I Heart Radio. For more about Heather and Half Size Me, please visit: About Healthy Parents = Healthy Families Podcast Healthy Parents = Healthy Families is a podcast dedicated to educating parents, guardians, and anyone who works with children on how to approach health, fitness, wellness, and weight loss in their own lives. And how they can act as positive role models for young people in their lives WITHOUT exposing them to diet culture. Healthy Parents = Healthy Families is hosted by Heather Robertson, who lost 170 pounds over a period of about 5 years. Heather did it by learning new eating habits, getting regular exercise, and changing her mindset. On her popular weekly podcast, The Half Size Me Show, Heather shares her own lessons and struggles with you, and she shows you how to handle the real challenge of any weight loss journey... weight maintenance. Be sure to subscribe to The Half Size Me Show and join Heather every week as she shares information, inspiration, coaching, and conversations with REAL people who've learned weight loss isn't only about losing pounds, it's about finding yourself. Disclaimer: Heather is not a doctor, nurse, or certified health professional. What worked for her or her guests may not work for you. Please talk with your doctor, dietician, or other certified health professionals when seeking advice about your own weight loss or weight maintenance plan. All information included in The Half Size Me™ Podcast and on is for informational and inspirational purposes only. For additional disclaimer information, please visit To contact Heather about the show, please click here to use the contact form.