Nathan Runkle, founder of Mercy for Animals, joins us on episode 20
In episode 20 we interviewed Lisa's old pal, big time animal rights advocate and founder of Mercy for Animals, Nathan Runkle. We had the pleasure discussing Nathan’s new book. It takes hard look into the world of factory farming. Mercy for animals sends devoted animal advocates undercover into animal agriculture operations to film and expose the injustices animals face. In our interview we discuss the under cover investigations, the sucess Mercy for Animals has had changing policy and practices, and how to sustain a vegan lifestyle. We conclude with a discussion on lab meat and how it will revolutionize the agricultural world. Nathan was an inspiring guest and we hope you enjoy this episode. Please help us share it with the world and most importantly read his book! It’s worth it. Mercy For Animals -One Man's Quest to Inspire Compassion and Improve the Lives of Farm Animals