Fighting in the Fourth Dimension: The U.S. Army on Cyber-warfare (Ep018)
Are hackers really a constant threat, or is hacking just another tool for media manipulation and fearmongering? To get definitive answers, the Curiosity Podcast sat down with the deputy chief of research at the Army Cyber Institute at West Point, Dr. Natalie Vanatta. She explains what government and corporate entities are doing to keep the average person safe online – and how people can protect themselves. Plus: learn where the international community draws the line between warfare and cyber-warfare. A lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army and instructor of mathematics at the United States Military Academy, Dr. Vanatta's work at the Army Cyber Institute focuses on bringing private industry, academia, and government agencies together to explore and solve cyber challenges facing the U.S. Army in the next 3 to 10 years. Links to special offers for our listeners: Get $50 off a Full Havenly Design package with promo code CURIOSITY Start your one free month of The Great Courses Plus (Special for Curiosity Podcast listeners) Related stories on Remember More Passwords by Visualizing Them How To Cool A Quantum Computer Is This The Future Of Money? How Quantum Technology Is Making Computers Millions Of Times More Powerful What Makes A Good Computer Password? (Probably Not What You've Been Told) How Hackers Really Crack Your Passwords You Can Use the Eisenhower Method to Stop Wasting Time and be More Productive Additional resources discussed: Army Cyber Institute at West Point Arizona State University Threatcasting Lab Shmoocon 2017 | A Widening Attack Plain - Natalie Vanatta, Brian David Johnson (YouTube) United Nations Definition of Aggression Defining War in an Ill-Defined World (New York Times) DOD needs cyberwarriors so badly it may let skilled recruits skip boot camp (Ars Technica) CyberCorps: Scholarship For Service (SFS) COACH: Crash Override's Automated Cybersecurity Helper To learn more about this topic and many others, check out, download our 5-star iOS or Android app, and join the conversation on Facebook and Twitter. Subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music, and everywhere else podcasts are found so you don't miss an episode! See for privacy information.