How The Best Marriages Work (Ep011)
The institution of marriage in America appears to be struggling. Or is it? Dr. Eli Finkel's most recent research reveals that the best marriages today may in fact be the best marriages the world has ever known. A renowned relationship expert, Dr. Finkel joins the Curiosity Podcast to reveal the structure of successful marriages and explain the context needed to understand how to flourish in any serious long-term relationship. Dr. Eli Finkel, author of The All-or-Nothing Marriage, is a professor at Northwestern University, where he has appointments in the psychology department and the Kellogg School of Management. He has published more than 130 scientific articles and is a regular contributor to the Op-Ed page of The New York Times. More reading from Curiosity: The Past, Present, And Future Of Dating (Dr. Finkel's first appearance on the Curiosity Podcast) The 1950s Family Was A New Invention The More Choices You Have, The Less Happy You Are Richard Branson's Secret To Productivity And Success Is Simple Sharing Household Chores May Be The Key To A Happy Marriage You Can Find Your Soul Mate Online, But Dating Algorithms Won't Help More from Dr. Eli Finkel: Dr. Eli Finkel's website "The All-or-Nothing Marriage: How the Best Marriages Work" The Marriage Hack: Eli Finkel at TEDxUChicago "Self and Relationships: Connecting Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Processes" Additional resources discussed: Money Survey: 78% Still Think Men Should Pay for the First Date Who Pays? NerdWallet Study Finds Gender Roles Remain Strong Among Couples Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs "The Way We Never Were: American Families and the Nostalgia Trap" To learn more about this topic and many others check out, download our 5-star iOS or Android app and join the conversation on Facebook and Twitter. Subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music, and everywhere else podcasts are found so you don't miss an episode! See for privacy information.