MeatRx Carnivore Community Meeting with Mark Baker
Following small beginnings with hens, a goat, and a few hogs, retired Air Force veteran Mark and Jill Baker had grown Baker’s Green Acres to include an on-farm butcher shop, cattle, a large herd of heritage Mangalitsa pigs, a thriving broiler chicken business, layer hens, and 8 children. Then, in 2011, they were informed by the MI Department of Natural Resources that they were being put out of business because the State declared their pigs to be feral. Mark will share about his family’s journey and how they beat the state, kept their pigs, and have maintained their hog business. Baker's Green Acres is a small sustainable family farm set in a larger farm community in northern lower Michigan, specializing in pasture raised meats, healthy food, and sharing the farm experience. You can find Mark Baker on, IG: and YouTube: This episode is hosted by Dr. Shawn Baker MD. Find him at