MeatRx Carnivore Community Meeting with Andrew Scarborough
"Andrew Scarborough is a proactive cancer patient and public health advocate, scrutinising the latest research in order to devise his own optimal metabolic approach in an attempt to manage his disease. He is also an inquisitive researcher, using critical analysis and independent thought to support his university studies. Prior to his diagnosis of a highly vascular Anaplastic Astrocytoma brain tumour, he studied for a masters in Nutritional Therapy and worked as a personal trainer. He is currently studying Human Biology and Medical Science at the University of Westminster, where he is heavily involved with brain tumour research. He mixes practical experience of metabolic therapies with a detailed understanding of its potential for cancer management and seizure control at the cellular level. You can find Andrew at:, Twitter: @ascarbs." This episode is hosted by Dr. Shawn Baker MD. Find him at