EP73 - The Inside Scoop on Intuitive Eating w/ Evelyn Tribole, Co-Author of Intuitive Eating

I'm SO PUMPED to share this episode with you, I think you're going to love it! Today I'm talking to Evelyn Tribole, registered dietitian and co-author of Intuitive Eating. Yup, Evelyn is the OG creator of the Intuitive Eating concept, and evidence based approach to building a healthier relationship to food. Evelyn has such a depth of knowledge and incredible insight into the IE process, she is so awesome and I can't wait for you to listen! In this episode we talk about: ✨ The history of Intuitive Eating ✨ What Intuitive Eating is (and isn't!) ✨ The research (evidence base) behind IE ✨ How IE is being co-opted by diet culture and what we can do about it ✨ How reframing 'screw ups' as learning experiences can help facilitate the IE process ✨ How to reject the food police and practicing food neutrality ✨ Common fears about IE ✨ How essential gentle nutrition is as an anchor for the process and why it shouldn't be introduced too early ✨ How diet culture undermines your trust in your body, but every time you honour your hunger or appetite you help rebuild that trust Show Notes {Evelyn on Twitter} {Evelyn's Website} {Intuitive Eating Facebook Support Group} {Intuitive Eating Website} {Intuitive Eating Book} {Intuitive Eating Workbook} {David Whyte Poem}

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