EP72 - Does Giving up Dieting Mean Eating Doughnuts all day? w/ Paige Smathers of Positive Nutrition
HEY OH! Look who's back. Coming in with a book update, followed by a conversation that desperately needed to be had, and I couldn't think of a more perfect guest for it than dietitian Paige Smathers (of the Nutrition Matters podcast). Paige and I are addressing some recent criticisms made about the non-diet movement like we're a) telling everyone to eat doughnuts all day long and b) shaming people who want to lose weight. This is in response to an article that was published recently which criticised the non-diet movement without appreciating some of the subtleties or nuance of the approach. Paige and I are discussing the concerns, doing a little reflecting, and trying to figure out how we can make the approach more accessible. We discuss: ✨ Why it's important not to jump into nutrition too fast or too hard ✨ Knowing your audience and protecting the most vulnerable ✨ Why it's important to expose people to a variety of foods ✨ How we can bring make out message accessible to people without alienating others ✨ Why we need to be critical of the non-diet approach to help it move forward ✨ Why being critical of the non-diet approach doesn't mean you're for diets ✨ Why you shouldn't feel ashamed for wanting to lose weight or being on a diet BUT ✨ Why it's also important to understand the forces working on us that make us feel like we need to lose weight to he healthy, happy, or comfortable in our bodies ✨ Why doing the work of a non-diet advocate is HARD and why I had to delete Twitter the other week Show Notes {Paige on Instagram | Facebook} {Nutrition Matters Podcast} {Paige's Website} {Long-term weight-loss maintenance: a meta-analysis of US studies} {Ineffectiveness of commercial weight-loss programs for achieving modest but meaningful weight loss: Systematic review and meta-analysis} {The National Weight Control Registry: A Critique} {Sofie Hagen's Made of Human Podcast} {Sofie Hagen's Shimmer Shatter Show (Highly recommend)} {Is the Anti-Diet Movement Leading us Astray?}