EP66 - Guts, Periods, + Hormones w/ Robyn Nohling of the Real Life RD
If you experience digestive issues or period problems, then this is the episode for you. Today I'm joined by Robyn Nohling, a Nurse Practitioner a Registered Dietitian based in NYC who specialises in eating disorders and women's health. We talk about how restricting food to try and solve your digestive issues might be self-defeating, and could cause more stress and functional problems if you're not addressing the underlying causes. We discuss the gut-brain axis and the role stress plays on our digestive system and how just thinking a food is bad for you might cause a negative physiological response (the nocebo effect). Plus the best ways to support your digestive health if you're recovering from restrictive eating. Then we switch things up and talk about periods, hormones, and what the heck is causing your period to disappear, aka hypothalamic amenorrhea. Plus what to do to help you get your period back, and what the big deal is with it being gone in the first place!