Supermarket Survival Guide
Every year, 10,000 new products hit our grocery store shelves, on top of the 38,000 items that are already there - making millions of Americans dread this inevitable task on our to-do list! Stress no more. The team atEat This, Not That! has your fool-proof guide to super smart supermarket shopping! Listen in to hear how you can… Stock your pantry with the most important ingredients to make healthy meals for your family - all less than a dollar per serving! Some our favorite new itemsto toss in your shopping cart - saving you time - and headaches! Avoid some of the marketing head fakes that appear on packaging to make foods "sound" healthier than they really are. Decod elabels on all your favorite foods - so you can make knowledgeable purchases each and every time! Use your freezer as your secret weapon to packing even more cost-effective, nutrient-packed, deliciousness into your life. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit