3 Worst Mainstream Pieces of Diet Advice
I recently listened to a podcast from another woman who lost over 100 lbs. Shout out to my 100 lb weight lost sista! As another woman who’s also lost over 100 lbs, we have things in common. On the podcast she talked about the 3 worst pieces of diet advice she hears. Once I paid attention to her top 3 worst dieting advice list, I realized we have at much less in common than I thought. While she’s an inspiration to many and surely she’s helped plenty of woman break through some of their biggest mental blocks to make weight loss a reality, her advice is absolutely wrong! Basically she should have titled the podcast - I hate keto...because while she did talk about a few other aspects wrong with current diet advice, the main focus of the podcast was on removing an entire food group - aka, what we’ve come to know as “healthy whole grains.” aka, Keto public enemy #1 - carbs! Listen in to learn 3 big reasons she’s wrong and why some people MUST drastically reduce carbs in order to find the sustainable weight loss success they want! 3 Points She Was Wrong About #1 - She said people don’t get fat from eating bananas #2 - Your Problem Is Your Mindset #3 - You Should Eat Less Times Per Day Links mentioned in episode: Nissa’s YouTube Channel