Jennifer Opdycke, PAC - How to Set Up A Direct Primary Care Practice: Episode 6
Jennifer Opdycke is a Physician Assistant from Michigan who discovered carbohydrate restriction about 17 years ago through the Atkins program. She started to introduce it to her patients and found most of them responded positively. But within the practice she was in she was still not able to develop a patient base of her own and she had more and more patients coming to her who were keen to explore the therapeutic low carb or ketogenic option. She then came across an article about other PAs who had opened their own practice and she learned about the concept of Direct Primary Care. Now she has a thriving practice which integrates other components as well such as emotional, stress and sleep management. This innovative model allows patients to have much better direct access to their health care provider. You can contact Jennifer to find out more about their Direct Primary Care practice on their website or on Facebook. We plan to never insert commercials in our podcasts, but the work we do to put on these educational events, build the community and develop and maintain the Clinical Guidelines is not sustainable without your support. Please consider becoming a patron. Even the smallest contribution helps! Please, also, subscribe to us on Stitcher and iTunes to help us reach more people.