EP61: Brooke McNamara on the Poetry of Reality and Mothering as Activism
What She Shares: How the birth of her son was a psycho-spiritual death experience The rich depth of her postpartum experiences Practicing as a Zen Monk AND parenting About her new course “Write to the Heart of Motherhood” What You’ll Hear: Recognizing when you need to surrender, and when you need to stand in your strength Expanding your boundaries to build resiliency Feeling the pain of childbirth as power Pushing yourself out of love, not punishment Birth and postpartum as a rite of passage, and incorporating afterward Re-integrating with society at a new level after a rite of passage Sharing your learning with your community Viewing the interruptions of life as life itself Committing to what resources you Allowing space for creativity and inspiration to come organically Finding ways to interrupt your habits and inner critic Harvesting what is already happening in your mothering Brooke McNamara is a professor at Naropa University, the author of “Feed Your Vow: Poems for Falling into Fullness”, and creates dance theater performances through her company Eunice Embodiment. She’s a poet, a performer, a zen monk, mother of two, a movement educator, and a mindfulness coach.