Ep. 002 Interview with Haley Altman of Doxly
This episode of the Legal Tech StartUp Focus podcast finds Charlie interviews Haley Altman, the founder and CEO of Doxly. Doxly is a transaction management platform for law firms and legal departments. Charlie and Haley talk about what took Haley from a law firm partnership to the leadership of a legal tech startup, how Haley got Doxly off the ground with the assistance of a startup studio, how Doxly is meeting the challenge of offering both a cloud-based and on-premises solution for its customers (and what Haley sees to be the current status of “cloud acceptance” by those customers), how Haley’s CEO role at Doxly has evolved in the three years since its founding, the importance of hiring to achieve diverse points of view and also how Doxly’s approach to on-boarding customers has evolved during that period. Charlie also asks Haley about Doxly’s recent acquisition by Litera, another legal tech company. In this part of the discussion, Haley talks about what took her team, her board and her investors on the road to Doxly’s being acquired, what the most important factor that Haley bore in mind while pondering whether an acquisition made sense at that point in Doxly’s history and what best positioned Doxly to reach a successful acquisition closing once Haley and others on her team decided that an acquisition was the right step for all concerned.