#32 Masturbation, How To Be An Authentic Lover, a Sex At Dawn With Dr. Chris Ryan
Dr. Christopher Ryan is co-author of the New York Times best-seller, Sex at Dawn: How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What it Means for Modern Relationships (translated into 15 languages), alongside his partner-in-crime (and wife), Cacilda Jethá, MD. Drawing upon his multi-cultural experience, Chris' research focused on distinguishing the human from the cultural, first by focusing on shamanism and ethnobotony—studying how various societies interact with altered states of consciousness and the sacred plants that provoke them—and later, by looking at similarly diverse cultural perspectives on sexuality. His doctoral dissertation was a multi-disciplinary investigation of prehistoric human sexual behavior, guided by the world-renowned psychologist, Stanley Krippner, at Saybrook Graduate School, in San Francisco, CA. Chris is finishing a new book for Simon and Schuster tentatively called Civilized to Death: Why Everything's Amazing but Nobody's Happy, —and he puts out a weekly podcast, called Tangentially Speaking, featuring conversations with interesting people, ranging from famous comics to bank robbers to drug smugglers to porn stars to authors to plasma physicists. Visit https://chrisryanphd.com for more.