E37: Privacy and Sexual Shame: What Recent Dating Site Hacks Have Taught Us
Hacking and cyber crime seem to be par for the course these days. In the past couple of years, two major attacks on big dating sites impacted hundreds of millions of people: the AshleyMadison.com hack in 2015, and the AdultFriendFinder.com hack in 2016. In this episode, Dr. Valeria and sex coach Sarah Martin discuss the fallout of these cyber hacks; what it means for our privacy; and how the hacks have exposed the depths of sexual shame in society. EPISODE NOTES: Sarah Martin's website: www.goodsexlifestyle.com Dr. Valeria's website: www.drvaleriachuba.com Need to recharge your sex life? Get Dr. Valeria's FREE 5-Day Sex Life Reboot video course here: www.sexlifereboot.com