E29: "Gaslighting" in Intimate Relationships
Gaslighting is a phenomenon that got its name from the classical movie "Gaslight", in which a young wife is slowly driven to doubt her sanity due to her husband's clever manipulation. Today, the phenomenon of gaslighting in relationships refers to a form of abuse and manipulation by one partner, who makes the other person in the relationship feel like they're losing their mind, their self-respect, and their sense of self. In this episode, Dr. Valeria and sex coach Sarah Martin discuss gaslighting, how to recognize it, and how to free yourself from this type of abuse. EPISODE NOTES: Red flags: Partner is excessively jealous and attempts to limit your freedom of movement and interactions with others Partner treats your concerns with dismissal, disdain, mockery, or by calling you names ("dramatic, crazy") Partner consistently breaks and disrespects your boundaries Partner monitors, spies, or breaks into your social media, email, bank account etc You can't find things where you left them, then later find them in that same spot You begin to doubt your memory and your sanity The Reddit Story of Gaslighting National Coalition Against Domestic Violence The National Domestic Violence Hotline Need to recharge your sex life? Get Dr. Valeria's FREE 5-Day Sex Life Reboot video course here: www.sexlifereboot.com