E12: What to Say When Someone Tells You They Were Raped or Sexually Assaulted

Sexual assault and rape are shockingly common, but we are never taught how to react and what to say when someone comes to us with their own story of sexual assault or rape. In this episode, Dr. Valeria shares tips on what to say in this sensitive situation; how to react in a respectful and compassionate way; as well as some things to avoid.  EPISODE NOTES: Dr. Valeria's blog post addressing the Dear Abby response to a teenage rape survivor  Short video explaining sexual consent (simplified but makes important points) A list of helpful resources for victims of sexual assault, rape and domestic violence  RAINN (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network) Planned Parenthood on Consent and Sexual Assault Need to recharge your sex life? Get Dr. Valeria's FREE 5-Day Sex Life Reboot video course here: www.sexlifereboot.com   

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