ep.5 "I think I have Bipolar Disorder..." Ask Kati Anything!
Audience Questions:
- Is it common to go backward at the beginning of therapy? I've found that when I first begin therapy, after being away for a while, I always feel worse for a few weeks before getting better.
- Hey Kati, I recently realized that I was parentified when I was a child and may have also been emotionally abused. My therapist suggests that I try to forgive my parents to ease some of the resentment I hold, but I don’t know if I’m ready to do that or will ever be ready. Do you have any suggestions on how to handle this?
- How can I prepare for online therapy sessions via skype? I feel very nervous about it...
- How can we know if we had depression in the past? I know I'm not supposed to self-diagnose but I am fairly sure about it.
- During this pandemic, how can we cope with having all appointments canceled? It's been really difficult to suddenly have no support while I'm struggling the most with my ED and mood
- Hi Kati, Do you have any tips for dealing with your own failed suicide attempt? (Thanks for your videos they really help and have literally saved my life)
- I think I have a Bipolar. I've researched a lot about it and most of the things says in the importation is exactly what is happening to me. I started thinking that I might have one cause I saw this Show where this character have a Bipolar, and I was so confused that I experienced what the character has going through in the show. It all started when my Grandfather and Auntie died a year after year. I was so confused, until now. And I told my parents about this but they didn't believed me, they said I'm just so lazy and I don't have a dream that's why I'm like this. But, my question is : Is it possible that I'm making all these Mental Disorder just to escape from things? Or be just like lazy at the time?
- Should I tell my therapist about my suicide ideation that come again even though I survived from it?
- On an ethical/moral level Do you believe that in some cases suicide is okay? Or is it always evil
- Some tips for insomniacs and how to improve sleep? When to go to the doctor about it?
- How to balance reintegration from a burn out with the stress from COVID-19 (especially when this brings extra pressure in your daily job). I feel like these are exceptional times where we need to step up and work together and I really want to do my part. But also, I feel that my recovery takes a hit.
Watch this episode on YouTube HERE
I'm Kati Morton, a licensed therapist making Mental Health videos!
Every Tuesday & Friday I post a journal prompt to help keep you motivated and working on yourself! https://www.youtube.com/katimorton/join
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I do not currently offer online therapy. BetterHelp can connect you with a licensed, online counselor. I receive commissions on referrals to BetterHelp. I only recommend services I know and trust.
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