SC 7 – 4 Stages of Intimacy – Robert a Diane Masters
IN THIS EPISODE, You will learn: The importance of recognizing conditioning and seeing its role in shaping a more mature relationship Why knowing your past experiences and stories can re-empower your relationships How to differentiate between healthy shame and unhealthy shame and how they play a crucial role in functional marriages How recognizing stages of an evolving relationship can help you better connect with your partner How to get to being centered and truly connected with your partner without sacrificing independence About the key importance of vulnerability in a marriage About the heart of really deep and truly fulfilling sex And check out these four stages of relationship. We explore these in the episode. 1. Me-centered 2. We-centered codependent 3. We-centered co-independent 4. Being-centered I had a lot of fun with this one. These two “get” long term relationship and what’s required to go the distance. They also know a great deal about shame, blame, and how to get over it by going to the next stage in your relationship. Robert also supports the power of men facing their own BS and his new book “To Be A Man” is going to be worth the read for the men out there. Note, our call got “dropped” by skype at one point so you’ll notice the sound quality change a bit. Just a heads up.