SC 1 - How to Set Yourself Up for Success in Your Marriage
THE SMART COUPLE PODCAST SERIES The Smart Couple Podcast: A trail blazing relationship podcast promoting unconventional monogamy and marriage–where we teach you how to fight well, master communication, and take your marriage to the next level without compromising your business, family, or integrity. This podcast will become the VERY best relationship resource for growth and success oriented smart people who want to have extraordinary marriages and relationships. We will explore you doing whatever it takes (including some very unconventional approaches) to achieve an awesome, and deeply fulfilling long-term relationship. Your host, Jayson Gaddis brings over a decade in the trenches with couples, families and individuals and most importantly his unceasing and relentless commitment to examining himself as the ultimate lab rat to master relationship and intimacy. He is successfully married (for now) to a brilliant wife and has two cosmic kids who continue to school him about love. Jayson was a formerly jammed up guy who, for six months, when he first entered personal therapy, couldn’t answer the simple question of “How are you feeling right now?” In this inaugural podcast, you will learn: The proper view and context for a successful marriage How to learn and grow from your marriage and relationship challenges (because there’s no way to avoid them) REAL advice with intelligent resources, NOT exaggerated or fantasized solutions Relationship Failure—What it is and why couples get stuck, stagnant, complacent, and afraid How to become a smart couple where you both WIN. Why relationships don’t work and how to get one to work over time