MSI Archived Episode 109: “Consent Beyond Yes”
Thank you for listening to Mormon Sex Info. This episode is an archived episode and is only now becoming publicly available. Mormon Sex Info relies on contributions. To contribute, please visit: Natasha Helfer Parker interviews Emma Daley and Adam “Fuzzy” Konner, founders of “Consent Beyond Yes” in regards to a “collaborative approach” to consent that differs from our typical ways of thinking about this concept. Applicable for those who are in long-term relationships/marriage, those who are dating in adulthood and for anyone teaching teens about consent! Emma Daley (she/they) is a body psychotherapist, consent educator, and occasional math tutor. She began developing Consent Beyond Yes with Fuzzy while pursuing her Master’s degree in Naropa University. Emma has a background in PreK-12 and post-secondary education and is an Our Whole Lives sexuality education facilitator. When she’s not talking about sex, she might be found dancing, journaling, or climbing trees. Adam “Fuzzy” Konner (they/them) is a nomadic educator of consent, contact improvisation, co-ops, and alternative economic and monetary systems. They have been teaching classes and workshops on various topics to both children and adults for over 15 years. They also work as a freelance web and software developer, a worker co-op consultant with Collective Seeds Consulting Co-op, and the Executive Director ofCommon Good Washtenaw, a community currency. They are currently practicing conscious vagabondage after leaving their former home base in Ann Arbor, Michigan.