106: Natasha Guest on “Wannabe Balanced Mom”: Healing from Sexual Shame w/ Natasha Helfer Parker
Thank you for listening to Mormon Sex Info. This episode is an archived episode and is only now becoming publicly available. Mormon Sex Info relies on contributions. To contribute, please visit: mormonsex.info Trigger Warning: If you’ve experienced sexual trauma, some of the things we discuss in this episode may trigger unwanted emotions to surface. Natasha joined Crystal Escobar on her Wannabe Balanced Mompodcast. Crystal and her husband, Sean had recently discussed sexual shame and trauma in one of their recent podcasts. Natasha reached out and provided a “therapy session” to help them along the path to healing. Crystal Escobar is a mother of 4 and wannabe balanced mom. She has a passion for helping moms find balance and purpose in motherhood and business. Crystal is a momprenuer, health a lifestyle podcaster.