100: Response to LDS.org new Page on Pornography
Thank you for listening to Mormon Sex Info. This episode is an archived episode and is only now becoming publicly available. Mormon Sex Info relies on contributions. To contribute, please visit: mormonsex.info Braxton Dutson and Shannon Hickman join Natasha on this episode of Mormon Sex Info. Recently the church published a new page on pornography so the 3 professionals discusses what they like and don’t about the page. He is also the host of the “Birds and the Bees Podcast” that teaches children and couples about intimacy and talking to kids about sexual health. You can find out more about the podcast by going here: https://www.thehealinggroup.com/therapists/2018/4/20/braxton-dutson-lcsw-cst Shannon Hickman is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and an AASECT Certfified Sex Therapist. She works for the Core Healing Group and is a Gottman trained therapist. To find out more about Shannon’s practice, Core Healing Counseling, please go here: http://corehealingcounseling.com/about/ Resources mentioned during podcast: Interview Natasha did with Matt Folmer (170: Why “Sex Addiction” Isn’t a Thing – A Personal Story)