054: Interview on “His Porn, Her Pain”
Thank you for listening to Mormon Sex Info. This episode is an archived episode and is only now becoming publicly available. Mormon Sex Info relies on contributions. To contribute, please visit: mormonsex.info Natasha Helfer Parker interviews Dr. Marty Klein in regards to his latest publication, "His Porn, Her Pain: Confronting America's Porn Panic with Honest Talk About Sex." Dr. Klein presented at the Rocky Mountain Sex a Intimacy Summit in Salt Lake City, September 22-23, 2017. They discuss some of the societal and relational challenges that have taken place since the advent of broadband internet, and how we are often having the wrong conversations. Instead of focusing on important discussions in regards to our sexuality, our fears, our intimacy needs/wants, etc., we keep the focus on “porn panic” rhetoric, which is subject to many myths and misinformation. This has significant implications not only for couples and individuals, but for how we parent and educate our teens. The importance of being willing to challenge our biases around meanings and assumptions we make about pornography and be open to expert research a facts, is paramount in being able to move into healthier sexual narratives and relationships. Resources Mentioned During this Podcast: "His Porn, Her Pain: Confronting America's Porn Panic with Honest Talk About Sex. "Sexual Intelligence: What We Really Want from Sex-and How to Get It"