036: Problematic Messaging found in Pornography – Part 1
Thank you for listening to Mormon Sex Info. This episode is an archived episode and is only now becoming publicly available. Mormon Sex Info relies on contributions. To contribute, please visit: mormonsex.info Natasha Helfer Parker invites Dr. Ricky Siegel and his brother Larry Siegel back to the show to discuss some of the problematic messaging that can be found in mainstream pornography — specifically when in the context of adolescent viewers. Since Natasha takes a strong position against the “porn addiction” treatment approach, she often gets accused of being “pro-porn” or minimizing the negative effects pornography can have. This interview is a rich dialogue about the discussion we should be having with ourselves (as parents, educators and ecclesiastical leaders) and more importantly, with adolescents themselves in attempts at comprehensive sexual education that stay away from simplistic “this is bad – this is good” types of scenarios, and instead develop a rich sense of personal values, integrity and healthy sexual development. Dr. Richard M. Siegel, PhD, LMHC, CST is a Florida-licensed Mental Health Counselor, Director of the Modern Sex Therapy Institutes, a Florida Board Certified Sex Therapist and Qualified Supervisor, and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist, Supervisor of Sex Therapy, and Provider of Continuing Education. He has a rich experiential background, including over 20 years as a sexuality educator and fifteen years in private sex therapy practice. In addition to his private practice in Boca Raton, Florida, Mr. Siegel is an adjunct faculty member at Palm Beach State College and enjoys a national reputation as a respected trainer, supervisor and conference presenter. Lawrence Siegel, MA, CSE is a Clinical Sexologist and sexuality education consultant. He is the founder and serves on the Board of Directors of Sage Institute for Family Development, a non-profit training and counseling center in Florida. Larry sits on the faculties of several colleges, universities and training institutions, and is nationally recognized as a leader in the fields of sexuality, sexual development, sexual pharmacology, and medical sexology. Resources mentioned during podcast: Planned Parenthood David Ley being interviewed by Katie Couric Andrew Wile and The Natural Mind Sut Jhally and documentary on music videos